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Replay conferences

Saturday, january 23, 2021
Studies and jobs in the health sector
10h00 > 11h00
Intervenant(s) : Jean-Paul Feugeas
Presentation of studies and health professions: Pr. Jean-Paul Feugeas answers your questions from 10:00 to 11:00 via chat
Saturday, january 23, 2021
Presentation of the ufr slhs january 23
10h00 > 12h00
Intervenant(s) : Yvon HOUSSAIS
Presentation of the UFR SLHS by Mr. Houssais, director of studies of the UFR SLHS
Saturday, january 23, 2021
Ufr stgi conference: presentation of courses
10h00 > 12h00
Intervenant(s) : Eric Rimbaux
10-11am: A new way to become a school teacher: the PPPE 11-12pm: Presentation of health access licenses
Saturday, january 23, 2021
Isifc training: engineer in the world of medical devices
10h30 > 12h00
Intervenant(s) : Armbruster Vincent, Jacquet Emmanuelle
General presentation of the ISIFC l
Saturday, january 23, 2021
University - instructions for use
10h30 > 11h00
Intervenant(s) : Laurence Ricq - Vice-Présidente de l'Université de Franche-Comté, chargée de la Formation, chargée de la Commission de la Formation et de la Vie Universitaire, directrice du Service Formation Continue et AlternanceKarin Monnier-Jobé - Directrice du Service orientation stage emploiAnne Tatu Vice-Présidente Vie Etudiante
Take part in the "University - Instructions for use" conference to learn all about university!
Saturday, january 23, 2021
L'alternance à l'université de franche-comté
11h00 > 11h22
Intervenant(s) : Marion BECLER
Osez l'alternance à l'Université de Franche-Comté !
Saturday, january 23, 2021
Présentation du bachelor universitaire de technologie (b.u.t.)
11h00 > 11h30
Intervenant(s) : Anne-Laurence Ferrari
Discover the new reference diploma of the IUT, the B.U.T., an integrated course in 3 years with the degree of licence, 17 specialities available in Franche-Comté.
Saturday, january 23, 2021
Tutoring at the heart of the pass/las
11h00 > 11h30
Intervenant(s) : Théo Tousch
At the UFR Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, some thirty tutors provide support to first-year students in preparing for competitive exams.
Saturday, january 23, 2021
L'alternance à l'université de franche-comté
14h00 > 14h22
Intervenant(s) : Marion BECLER Daniel Rickolio, Céline Matignon
Osez l'alternance à l'Université de Franche-Comté !
Saturday, january 23, 2021
Work-study programs and professionalization at the iut
14h00 > 14h30
Intervenant(s) : David Markezic
Discover one of the strong points of the IUT: the acquisition of a unique professional experience allowing a better insertion in the socio-economic world.
Saturday, january 30, 2021
Ufr stgi conference: presentation of courses
10h00 > 12h00
Intervenant(s) : Eric Rimbaux
10-11am: A new way to become a school teacher: the PPPE 11-12pm: Presentation of health access licenses
Saturday, january 30, 2021
Présentation de l'ufr slhs 30 janvier
10h00 > 12h00
Intervenant(s) : Yvon HOUSSAIS
Présentation de l'UFR SLHS par M. Houssais, directeur des études de l'UFR SLHS
Saturday, january 30, 2021
Les débouchés à l'isifc : métiers du biomédical, entreprises, recrutement
10h30 > 11h30
Intervenant(s) : Armbruster Vincent, Jacquet Emmanuelle
Recrutement, Tissu industriel du biomédical
Saturday, january 30, 2021
Work-study programs at the university of franche-comté
11h00 > 11h22
Intervenant(s) : Marion BECLER
Dare to work-study at the University of Franche-Comté!
Saturday, january 30, 2021
Presentation of the university bachelor of technology (b.u.t.)
11h00 > 11h30
Intervenant(s) : Olivier Prévôt
Discover the new reference diploma of the IUT, the B.U.T., an integrated course in 3 years with the degree of licence, 17 specialities available in Franche-Comté.
Saturday, january 30, 2021
Radio campus : podcast jpo - 30 janvier
13h00 > 14h00
Intervenant(s) :
Ecoutez à nouveau l'émission du 23 janvier avec le podcast Radio Campus 102.4FM
Saturday, january 30, 2021
University - instructions for use
13h30 > 14h00
Intervenant(s) : Laurence Ricq - Vice-President of the University of Franche-Comté, in charge of Training, in charge of the Training and University Life Commission, Director of the Continuing Education and Work-Study Department Karin Monnier-Jobé - Director of the Orientation and Internship Department Anne Tatu Vice-President of Student Life
Take part in the "University - Instructions for use" conference to learn all about university!
Saturday, january 30, 2021
Work-study programs at the university of franche-comté
14h00 > 14h22
Intervenant(s) : Marion BECLER
Osez l'alternance à l'Université de Franche-Comté !
Wednesday, july 6, 2022
Présentation du master meef mention premier degré - professeur des écoles
10h00 > 11h00
Intervenant(s) : Olivier SZWAJA
Présentation des deux années du master MEEF, mention premier degré et de la réforme du CRPE
Thursday, october 6, 2022
Presentation of the meef master's degree in primary education
10h00 > 11h00
Intervenant(s) : Olivier SZWAJA
Presentation of the two years of the MEEF master's degree in primary education and the reform of the CRPE
Thursday, october 6, 2022
Work-study programs and professionalization at the iut
14h00 > 14h30
Intervenant(s) : Anne-Laurence FERRARI et Jean-Luc SOMMER
Discover one of the strong points of the IUT: the acquisition of a unique professional experience allowing a better insertion in the socio-economic world.
My talks
  • 0
  • No conversation in progress.
General agenda
My agenda
Public message