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Legal, economic, political and management sciences - Licences and Masters
Health courses, PASS and LAS courses, Tutoring, Paramedical courses and Professional degrees
Sciences, techniques and management of industry - Law and economic and social administration, Multimedia, Languages, Life and environmental sciences, Science and energy
Science and Technology - Life Sciences, Geology, Engineering Sciences, Physics/Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science
Sciences of language, man and society - Performing arts, Geography, History, Information communication, Languages, Letters, Philosophy, Sciences of language, Sociology
Diplomas around sport: Licences, DEUST, Professional Licences
University Institute of Technology Besançon Vesoul - Chemistry, Industrial and Maintenance Engineering, Mechanical and Production Engineering, Business and Administration Management, Logistics and Transport Management, Health, Safety and Environment, Information Communication
The University and Technology Institute (IUT) of Belfort Montbéliard offers training at the bac+3 level (B.U.T. and professional licenses) in the following specialties: Social Careers, Civil Engineering and Sustainable Construction, Thermal Engineering and Energy, Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing, Administrative and Commercial Management of Organizations, Marketing Techniques, Computer Science, Physical Measurements, Multimedia and Internet Professions, Networks and Telecommunications
The Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation prepares students for the national master's degree in teaching, education and training (MEEF).
Institut supérieur d'ingénieurs de Franche-Comté : The medical device engineering school
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